Welcome to Marin Horse Council
Dedicated To Preserving and Supporting Equestrians in Marin County
Stand Up For Horses!
About Marin Horse Council
The Marin Horse Council (MHC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation serving to promote equestrian activities in Marin County. We are a coalition of horse oriented individuals, groups, businesses, and professionals.
2024 memberships will expire on March 31, 2025. Click here to join or renew your membership for 2025. If you joined in October 2024 or later, you are automatically a voting member through January, 2026.
Our regular meetings are typically held the 2nd Weds of each month, 7:00 – 8:00 PM, on Zoom unless noticed for an in person meeting.
Photo credits - thanks to Suzanne Grady & Brian Wilk of the Marin Photo Club.
Photo credits - thanks to Suzanne Grady & Brian Wilk of the Marin Photo Club

The Marin Horse Council is dedicated to preserving the historic culture, supporting the presence and ensuring the future of equestrians, horses and horse facilities throughout Marin County. The council strives to promote and protect the general welfare of equestrians and equines through our educational seminars, newsletters and community involvement which includes the representation of all Marin horse people before municipal, county, and state agencies in matters of political interest important to equestrians, especially animal welfare, open space and land usage issues. Always eager to share the joy of horses, we also engage in community outreach with the goal of introducing the Marin horse community to others.

Over the past year, your membership and donations have enabled the Marin Horse Council (MHC) to:
Promote safer sharing of multi-use roads through our Slow and Say Hello Outposts;
Continue to serve as the Fiscal Sponsor of the Linda Rubio Scholarship Program which provides free cost-of-riding lessons to the financially disadvantaged community;
Advocate actively with all Marin land agencies to consider equestrian access, safety and well-being on roads and trails, and encourage appropriate regulations, enforcement, signage, and education;
Promote Equine Disaster Preparedness and Response education through collaboration with HALTER Project and Marin Humane;
Donate $10,000 to Marin Humane Society from a MHC protected Equine Evacuation Fund to support their Equine Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Program;
Publish a bi-monthly Enews to help the equestrian community stay up-to-date on public, trail, barn and show news, health alerts and public and private land issues pertaining to horses and horse boarding;
Host an Awards Luncheon and fundraiser to honor two outstanding Marin equestrians, and to provide the Marin horse community an opportunity to gather and connect;
Provide MHC members a chance to ride new trails, make new friends and reconnect with old friends, through our Small Group Club Ride-Outs;
Support to other equine organizations in Marin County.
And, much, much more!
Did you know that MHC is the only equestrian advocacy organization in Marin County? And, the equestrian voice is even more important than ever in protecting trail access, barn safety and compliance with clean water regulations, plus supporting the next generation of riders.

Board Of Directors
Linda Novy, President
Linda Novy and her horse Falco, a 24 year old Andalusian gelding who she adopted 20 years ago, board at the historic Marin Stables in Fairfax, just 5 minutes from Linda's house. There, she enjoys lessons with Becky Larcher, trail riding and trailering out.
Carolyn R. Gold, Vice President
Riding her horse, Wind Dancer, Registered Paso Fino and Spotted Saddle Horse. Carolyn enjoys trail riding, showing, field trialing and gymkannahs. She boards in West Marin.
Rena Gustafsson
Rena boards her horse Sirius (a coming 14 year old haflinger gelding), at Creekside Equestrian Facility in Woodacre, Ca. She and Sirius have been together since he was 7, and have made many friends over the years at various barns, clinics and through the Marin Horse Council. Currently, they are learning dressage, and are hoping to parlay those techniques into working equitation events once they learn how to do a proper 20 meter circle. :)
Marina Eisenzimmer
Marina is a veteran equestrian riding in most of Marin's public lands. Her beloved Morgan horse, Onyx, lived at Dickson Ranch for over 20 years and they loved riding at Five Brooks and Bear Valley. Marina has a similar long history with Marin Horse Council - a former Board member, she focused on the newsletter. She's ready to help MHC again building membership and events!
Ken Coren
Ken got the horse bug just out of high school working on cattle ranches in Wyoming and Kansas, mostly on horseback. He has been boarding his horses at Dickson Ranch for many years, learning the finer points of show jumping and equitation, sometimes going for the speed events on Mick the Palimino. He currently enjoys riding the wooded trails with his Gypsy Vanner “Pono”.
Gini Griffin, Emerita, Web and Marketing Consultant to MHC
Gini and Kismet, a registered Rocky Mountain mare, travel the trails of Marin and Sonoma. Gini boards at Longview Stables in Novato just at the edge of Indian Tree Preserve where she is also a mounted volunteer patrol for the Marin County Open Space. Gini and Kismet average over 700 miles on the trails yearly which inspired her to create Marin Sonoma Trail Riders on Facebook to “hook up” trail riders throughout the North Bay. Through her Rocky Mountain group, Gini manages to get in a couple horse camping trips in each year as well.
Joe Ehrmann
Joe takes lessons at Hunter Lane Equestrian Center in Santa Rosa. His teacher, Margaret Winterkorn, owns the Center and teaches her students in equi-therapy. He is working on beginning Dressage in a covered arena and in an open arena with the letters on the sides, front and the entrance. Practicing riding in circles, figure eights, reverse the course, Joe is learning to be aware of the different speeds of the walk and trot and how to work effectively with them. Joe is also responsible for the ride outs that Marin Horse Council does and enjoys them very much.
Jessica Lashbrook
Jessica owns Marin Tack and Feed and was introduced to the love of horses at a young age. She competed in the field of 3 day eventing, and during that time enjoyed rescuing thoroughbreds off the track. She now enjoys finding rescues and rebuilding their trust in themselves and their human partners. Her favorite type of riding is adventuring outdoors with her equine partners where ever the journey takes them. She currently has three rescues, Billy, Sid and Hooch who reside at a leased space at Spirit Rock where she enjoys trail riding adventures.
Cheryl D. Bossio
Maisie is a Morgan cross mare that Cheryl rescued three years ago from Minnesota and trailered across the country to her home in California. What a change in climate for her!
Maisie’s home is at Dixon Ranch in Woodacre where she’s hopefully learning a few tricks of the trade from her 3 arena view! Cheryl's favorite place to ride is with friends in Bear Valley, Point Reyes.
Amory Willis, Secretary
Amory Willis is past president of Marin Horse Council. She continues to make a positive difference for the horse community.
Kristin Deming, Treasurer
Marin born & bred and recently relocated to Sonoma County. Over the past 45 years I have owned, trained, competed, rescued and rehabilitated horses throughout Marin & Sonoma County. I love that horses provide us with a lifetime of learning and connection to ourselves and the world around us. I am currently member of Sonoma & Napa C.A.R.T and trained in Large Animal Technical Rescue. I currently board my 22 yr old Swedish Warmblood mare RAYNE, at beautiful Woodbridge Farm in Penngrove.

Meeting Schedule
Our regular meetings are typically held the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
We are holding Board Zoom Meetings until further notice:
2025 Meeting Schedule
Second Wednesday of the Month:
January 15th
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
June 11th
July 9th
August 13th
September 10th
October 8th
November 12th
December 10th
To add an item to the agenda, please send an email to contact@marinhorsecouncil.org.