Linda Rubio Scholarship
Buys a pair of riding boots
Buys a helmet
Buys a safety vest
Buys one lesson
Buys 2 lessons
Buys a month of weekly lessons
Buys a week of Summer Camp
Buys a half year of weekly lessons
Buys a full year of weekly lessons
Ongoing Donation
Support the Linda Rubio Scholarship in a profound way
We would like to think Bay Area Barns and Trails for their support
Scholarships are available to all qualified applicants
You may qualify, if you are:
A child under the age of 18 who resides in Marin County
Financially challenged
Have dreams of riding or spending time with a horse
The MHC’s Linda Rubio Schoalrship provides equestrian opportunities to children who have long wished to develop relationships and to interact with horses but have lacked the financial means to do so. The scholarship is open to all children under the age of 18.
Applicants will be asked to write an essay explaining their passion for horses and their hoped-for type of experience, whether trail rides or lessons, Western or English. The scholarship committee will interview promising candidates and help find the best venue for them and will then pay for their rides or lessons.
There are infinite beneficial values to be gained by interacting with horses. Because horses are intuitive, seeking safety and reassurance, they teach us subtle communication skills, empathy and compassion. They require physical care which teaches hard work, thoroughness, cleanliness and attention to detail. Riding lessons teach listening skills, following directions, perseverance and patience. These values make a scholarship for riding horses worthwhile, as the benefits are legion, coupled with the pure enjoyment for those who have a passion for horses.
Scholarship Update From Linda Rubio
Let me tell you about the children now as they have all been riding for one year, starting with private lessons and now riding in group after school lessons once a week, they also all attended one week of Horse camp this summer.
Dontray Shannon
Age 10
Dontray is 10 years old and is a natural horseman. He has innate balance and a deep affinity for the horse. Dontray is becoming a strong rider, he posts really well to the trot and has a very soft, kind and firm hand on the reins. He told me that wants to learn to post without his stirrups. He is really good at cleaning his tack, he is all in! Dontray is in foster care. He is so lucky to be living with his cousin Danelle.
Leo Jameson
Age 9
Leo is 9 years old, in the fourth grade at Bayside Martin Luther King Jr. Academy. He loves singing, dancing, drawing, swimming, and rollerblade. He has always loved horses and was so eager that he wrote the application letter himself. Leo is a gentle boy; he barely skims his grooming brush so he won't hurt the horse. It is heartwarming to see the leap in self-confidence that developing a relationship with a horse has instilled in Leo. Leo is now sitting and posting to the trot and learning a two-point position, He told me that Miwok is now his special place to be and that he looks forward to it every week.
Addison Gomez
Age 10
Addison Gomez is 10 years old. She loves horses. Addison’s’ Dreams Came True starting in December 2022, when the Linda Rubio Scholarship Fund provided lessons for her with instructor Trisha Yates in Novato, and then summer Day Camp at Strides Academy in Santa Rosa, and now provides her with weekly group lessons at Strides Academy. Addison had never been on a horse before, and now she is posting to the trot.
The Linda Rubio Equestrian Scholarship is administered by the Marin Horse Council, a 501c3 Non-profit Corporation. Donations are tax deductible.